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Traffic safety: vests, hats, NIOSH

Traffic Safety Vests

It's a well-known fact that road construction work is highly hazardous. The Centers for Disease Control arm of safety-study is NIOSH, or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. It asserts a high risk of serious or fatal injury for construction workers when they're near passing motorists or construction equipment. Efforts to reduce these tragedies are continually underway by this and other organizations that take the time to first study and analyze the data, and then seek to implement safer practices. Safety hard hats can only do so much in the face of reckless drivers or inclement weather. And while items like traffic safety vests or construction hard hats are very important industrial safety equipments, they can't fully protect the flagger or worker standing out on the busy freeway trying to do his or her job. A more comprehensive strategy is needed.

Traffic safety cones and vests

Traffic Safety Cones

The high visibility garments and markers used by road construction workers are designed to make them and new lines of demarcation as apparent as can be. Technology has kept step with the ever widening range of statistics and strategies now available to protect those who risk their lives to improve our roads. Traffic safety vests come in a range of styles from All Industrial-Safety. In fact, over fifty items are available to protect traffic workers, from economy single band vests to a highly visible bomber jacket built to keep out the weather while it cautions passersby. Traffic safety cones and vests are but a small part of the equation, but is a great source for just the kind needed for the situation.

Safety hard hats with attitude

Road workers are just better off, plain and simple, with the 28" cone with 3M reflective collars or the two spring cones that come in a plastic tote system, each with reflective bands. Traffic safety cones are a familiar sight to motorists and construction crews alike, and that's because they work. Keeping the most important part of workers covered is done well too, with safety hard hats. All Industrial-Safety has many, including one cowboy hat style version fitted with ratchet suspension and an ultra-soft yet strong 6 point nylon web crown strap system. This hat acts as a rugged shock absorber with six load-bearing points to spread impact over a larger area. Protect your head with attitude, or maybe if you're on of those wild rodeo riders.

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